Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Hungry Boy goes fishing.

Went fishing in Kettering at 5a.m. yesterday morning hoping to catch just a few mackerel, I ended up with quite the fisherman's basket. It was amazing catching these fish, watching the sunrise over Bruny Island knowing that a great dinner was to come..

3 Blue Warehou? Not sure what the top one is. Can anyone identify these fish?

  1 Squid, 6 Mackerel, 1 Wrasse

 Mackerel sashimi

Whole pan fried fish, simple is great.


  1. Way to go, HB. That's the most wonderful thing about living here isn't it? The fact that you can do that stuff if you want to. I used to have a little booklet issued by Tas Dept of Sea Fisheries many years ago, identifying all local fish, but it seems to have disappeared (along with that department!), so couldn't help you out with that unidentified one.

  2. PS - what did you do with the squid?

  3. It's great, just 5 minutes from home! Not too sure about the squid cone that got munched when I went to work, probably sauteed. I was having a gnaw at some of the tentacles while I was cleaning the fish, squid jerky! The rest were just quickly sauteed.
