Sunday, December 26, 2010

Oysters- Chew or Swallow?

So I Prepared a few platters of local (introduced) Sydney rock oysters the other day and for the first time I noticed that some people swallow their oysters whole. To me that was a new and very unusual way of eating oysters. I've always chewed my oysters because I mean why wouldn't you? There's three distinct textures and flavours; the frill is slightly hard and salty, the main muscle is soft, creamy and sweet and the adductor muscle is firm and sweet like a mini scallop.
When you swallow an oyster all you get is the briney liquor without the flavors and textures.
So the big question is how do you eat your oyster and why?


  1. I was taught at the early age (in fact, physically forced, if you can picture that!) of around 10, by my passionate food-loving father to swallow them whole, and have never questioned this - much to my own horror! I vividly remember my first oyster-eating experience at Cockle Creek, with Dad having gathered heaps of oysters off the rocks there, opening them in situ and teaching me and my younger brothers and sisters the art of oyster appreciation and eating! I gagged bigtime, and hated them, and never tried them again till many years later, as an adult, had a Kilpatrick, and truly loved it, and have since absolutely adored them, any fashion, but still eaten whole if they are natural, not chewed.

  2. I'm a chewer. It's about the texture as well as the flavour!

  3. Much as I have tried I just can't stomach plain raw oysters. But I don't mind them cooked, and when I do eat them (not very often) I definitely chew!

  4. I'm with you Hungry Boy, just don't get why you wouldn't chew them.
    I tried my first oyster Kilpatricked but now love them any way they come but especially just with a squeeze of lemon.

  5. Your description of oysters doesn't make me want one I'm afraid ... frill, aductor, yuk. lol
